Twin blocks and Removable appliances
If you are wearing a twin block or a removable appliance and you are affected by the coronavirus
and cannot attend your appointment. We will need to postpone your appointment. Please do not
worry and continue wearing your appliance as instructed.
Please do not stop wearing them; you cannot over wear these appliances.
If you have broken or cracked your appliance but it still fits and is safe to wear, please do so until you
can attend. If it is broken and you cannot wear the appliance or you have lost the appliance please
contact the practice for advice over the phone.
Separators are small blue elastic bands that we place in front & behind your molar teeth.
They create space so they may drop out on their own over time.
To remove these you could use tweezers or a toothpick
Insert either the tweezer or toothpick under the elastic & pull up.
The elastic will just pop out.
Occasionally the gum can bleed when the separators are removed do not let this concern you, you can rinse with warm salty water.